Ade Akinwale

I’m a UX Designer/Frontend Developer with a background in software Quality Assurrance. Passionate about exploring the research aspects of product development to create compelling designs and usable products

About Me

Hi, I’m a UX Designer with a background in software testing/web development. I come with experiences of the software development lifecycle in agile environments, Also strong communications with clients as a freelancer.

Previous experience as a test analyst led me the path to seeking clarity on business, user requirements and specifications. Conducting validations to ensure usability for users. I look to further expand on this as a UX designer

I believe my experiences have equipped me to adapt And work well within small to medium and large teams. Always hungry to learn, And I’m looking for a position where I can learn and grow as a UX designer

Recent Works

UX/UI Design

IPADE Mobile App

Ipade is a mobile app that helps musicians connect and collaborate

UI/Web Development

DPI Website ( in Development )

A UI/Frontend website project for an institute in berlin